Agarwal Wedding Kundali Matching for Marriage

Horoscope Matching | Kundali Matching for Marriage


Horoscope/Kundali/Birth Chart is an astrology chart which represents the position of celestial objects present at the time of one’s birth. It is an integral part of Astrology, the science which can help the individuals to foresee the future events by providing the rationale about the celestial impact the heavenly bodies (planets, stars, nakshatras) have in shaping the life events of an individual.


Thus, it’s no brainer why since Vedic times, our ancestors are utilizing the birth charts for matching the compatibility of prospective bride and groom. Marriage is the sacred bond between a couple & beyond doubt one of the most beautiful moment in one’s life. Every individual desire a good spouse with whom one can have adorable & long-lasting relationship.


Marriage is one such event of life which should be given utmost importance, and this is where the Horoscope/Kundali Matching plays the vital role in finding the perfect life partner. The birth charts of prospective bride and groom are compared by identifying the position of planets and nakshatras that binds up both the individuals together. To correctly assess the compatibility in the birth charts through Kundali matching, it is recommended to consult only an expert astrologer.


Kundali Matching Process


The factors which are considered for horoscope matching includes:

  1. Guna Milan
  2. Manglik Dosha
  3. Navamsha Chart


For consulting please send your and partner Name / Registration ID / Date of Birth / Birth Time / Birth city and district on email:

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